A Safe Place to Live & Visit

The Village of Schaumburg remains an exceptional place to live and raise a family safely, according to the most recent results from residents who participated in the National Community Survey™ (NCS).

The survey was administered in the fall of 2021 to 2,607 random households that were asked to provide feedback on the quality and usefulness of village services.

Key highlights of the survey include:

  • 95% of residents rated the village as an excellent or good place to live.
  • 94% would recommend Schaumburg as a place to live.
  • 93% rated their overall quality of life as excellent or good.

Public safety is often an important service that local government provides to its community. Schaumburg residents feel safe and secure in their neighborhoods and in the greater community, which is attributable to the robust safety-related services provided by the village that are essential to residents’ quality of life.

Respondents indicated that 96% feel safe in their neighborhoods and 87% rated their overall feelings of safety as excellent or good, which is in line with national benchmarks.

The National Community Survey™, in partnership with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), is the gold standard in community assessments today. This benchmarking survey provides a comprehensive and accurate picture of livability and resident perspectives about local government services, policies and management.

Family walking dog in park