Schaumburg Receives Tree City USA Growth Award

a street view with a row of trees during fall

The Village of Schaumburg is pleased to announce it has received a Tree City USA Growth Award by the Arbor Day Foundation to honor its commitment to effective urban forest management.

A Growth Award is bestowed to a community alongside their Tree City USA recognition for demonstrating environmental improvement and a higher level of tree care. The Growth Award recognizes major milestones and annual activities in five categories on a point based system to build sustainable community forestry programs over the long term.

With the additional recognition of a Growth Award, Schaumburg has demonstrated its expediency toward building framework for sustainable urban forest management. Urban tree plantings help reduce energy consumption by up to 25%, which will reduce general energy costs and help with the overall cooling of the village as well. In addition, members of the community benefit from properly placed trees as they increase property values from 7-20%. Trees also positively affect the local ecosystem by helping to clean water and create animal habitats to encourage biodiversity.